Tutu Com Linguica
Tutu is a basic plate that everyone eats when they want to change up the daily plate because just eating beans is not enough and gets old .
What you are going to need is Beans , a mixer , Linguica , water , Goya Adobo , Garlic, Salt
get a medium sized pan so the beans can fit , but before we are going to let the Garlic , Salt and Oil simmer so the beans can have some flavor and add the seasoning of Goya Adobo, later once it is done, let it sit for a good 5 minutes so that the texture starts to get thick , now you are going to beat the beans until you do not see a seed more , it should get a little pasty. now that the beans are ready you can make the Linguica
Make the Linguica on a grill or you can fry it , I prefer in this case grilled , let it stay there 20 twenty minutes and let it brown evenly and let it cook so no parts are raw. once the twnety minutes have passed you can now chop up the linguica into tiny peices and let them into the beans and there you have Tutu com Linguica
My source was https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&rlz=1CAMUHR_enUS847&biw=1366&bih=641&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=AofJXKPCLo-xggf6xpbwCA&q=tutu+com+linguica&oq=tutu+com+linguica&gs_l=img.3...40413.45383..45510...1.0..1.104.1227.17j2......2....1..gws-wiz-img.....0..0j0i30j0i8i30.PkbVlE9Tjtk#imgrc=gaWj6TwvQEpfKM:
What you are going to need is Beans , a mixer , Linguica , water , Goya Adobo , Garlic, Salt
get a medium sized pan so the beans can fit , but before we are going to let the Garlic , Salt and Oil simmer so the beans can have some flavor and add the seasoning of Goya Adobo, later once it is done, let it sit for a good 5 minutes so that the texture starts to get thick , now you are going to beat the beans until you do not see a seed more , it should get a little pasty. now that the beans are ready you can make the Linguica
Make the Linguica on a grill or you can fry it , I prefer in this case grilled , let it stay there 20 twenty minutes and let it brown evenly and let it cook so no parts are raw. once the twnety minutes have passed you can now chop up the linguica into tiny peices and let them into the beans and there you have Tutu com Linguica
My source was https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&rlz=1CAMUHR_enUS847&biw=1366&bih=641&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=AofJXKPCLo-xggf6xpbwCA&q=tutu+com+linguica&oq=tutu+com+linguica&gs_l=img.3...40413.45383..45510...1.0..1.104.1227.17j2......2....1..gws-wiz-img.....0..0j0i30j0i8i30.PkbVlE9Tjtk#imgrc=gaWj6TwvQEpfKM:
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