Couve / Collard Greens

Today i am going to show you the way we cook collard greens or as we say Couve. ( ko-vay)
with this , you can eat it with Rice , Beans , Chicken , Angu / Polenta , many things, its a go to combination for any basic plate in Brazil.

to cook the Collard Greens you are going to have to cut them in very thin, but i mean very thin cuts so that they can all cook evenly and that they visually look good, now for preperation you are going to add only salt and oil, nothing more and nothing less.
when you add it onto the pan it will have alot of volume but it will slowly decrease within the time it is cooking so if you think it is only a little you are wrong ;).
now all that is left to do is eat !
I got this picture from


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