Leite ninho
to make leite ninho you will need two spoons of butter, a can of condensed milk, you will need 3 spoons of powdered leite ninho and you are not going to put it on the stove, you are going to mix it cold . once you see that the syrup becomes to a paste where you can put it in tiny meatballs you are going to put butter in your hands and form the shape and add more leite ninho powder and now you have leite ninho
I got this picture from https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&rlz=1CAMUHR_enUS847&tbm=isch&q=doce+de+leite+ninho&chips=q:doce+de+leite+ninho,online_chips:docinho&usg=AI4_-kQLwRW3yh3gkFcbj4AwiVSjMnsUaw&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwihg8C6o_rhAhXSmOAKHb9nBoAQ4lYIJygA&biw=1366&bih=641&dpr=1#imgrc=8a53BI_azqfG1M:
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